Rod McCullom, KSJ 2015-16, and research scientist Adam Hume discussed public communication about infectious diseases at an MIT Museum event.
Scott Huler ‘15
Behind the garage of his family’s home near Cleveland Ohio, a four year old Scott Huler, pencil in hand, scrawled song lyrics on paper with extra wide training lines. Almost […]
Mark Harris ’14
Mark Harris became a writer during what he calls the rise of journalism about digital living—“stories about all types of technology coming into our daily lives.” Harris was always interested […]
High Stakes at Climate Talks, And KSJ Fellows Are On It
The importance of the COP21 climate talks in Paris have drawn some of the best science and environmental journalists in the world to the potentially historic summit, including several former KSJ fellows.
From New York City’s Outer Limits to the Red Rocks of Mars
In his latest film, documentary filmmaker Ian Cheney takes viewers on an imagined journey to Mars, that they might better understand life on Earth.
What the Red Oak Can Tell Us About Climate Change
Centuries-old “witness trees” have stood silent watch over the landscape during dramatic climatic changes, and this concept forms the basis of a forthcoming book by Seattle Times reporter and 2013-14 Knight Fellow Lynda Mapes.