Dear Bush, Knight and Boot Camp Fellows:
With the new Knight Science web page here, and with our 30th anniversary coming up next February, I’d like to urge each of you to submit, for the web page, a new paragraph on your latest and best achievements. This would add up to an amazingly varied tapestry of the great work you have been doing, and illustrate what a vibrant, worldwide community of science journalism we are continually building.</p
As founding director of the MIT Knight Program, I have volunteered to correspond with you about this, including questions that may occur to you.
As an example, I’ll try a few lines about me:
Now that Basic Books has put out Drawing the Map of Life, my history of the Genome Project, as a paperback with a 4,000-word update to the beginning of 2012, I’ve started planning something risky: a 100-page essay about the array of science/technology tasks the United States and many other countries have been ducking for almost 40 years. Meanwhile, I continue active at MIT and the Knight Science Journalism program, and in the 210-member “age-in-community” organization in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and neighboring towns that my wife founded in 2007.
I hope you’ll give this request priority. I want all the friends and supporters of the MIT Knight program to get a taste of what we all are accomplishing.