Valeria Roman has published her first book for lay people. The book, Darwin 2.0 La teoria de la evolucion en el siglo XXI, was written with the biology researcher Luis Cappozzo and published by Marea Editores. The book is about evolution theory, its updates, and applications. It also reveals the barriers to teach evolution in Argentina, Chile and other Latinoamerican countries. The authors are lecturing at different cities to promote evolution education in 2009.
WFSJ elects Mitchell, Roman to board
The World Federation of Science journalists elected a new board at its General Assembly held during the World Conference of Science Journalists in London. Natasha Mitchell (05-06) was elected to the board, and Valeria Roman (04-05) was promoted to vice-president. Congratulations Valeria and Natasha!
Publication: Ellen Ruppel Shell
Ellen Ruppel Shell (84-85) has a new book out, Cheap: The High Cost of Discount Culture, in which she uncovers the true cost of buying things cheaply.
Publication: Christoph Droesser
Christoph Droesser’s (93-94) new book Hast du Tone? Warum wir alle musikalisch sind (Why we all are musical) has just come out in Germany. The book deals with the latest insights that brain scientists and musicologists have won about music as a deeply rooted ability that (almost) every human has, and that we are neglecting it if we leave music making to the geniuses, prodigies and superstars.
Publication: Marcia Bartusiak
The Day We Found the Universe, a new book by Marcia Bartusiak (94-95) was published in April by Pantheon Books. Publisher’s Weekly says, “…Bartusiak reveals the vibrant beginnings of modern astronomy, along with all the dreams and fears, rivalries and triumphs, of those involved.”
Publication: Rachel Zimmerman
Rachel Zimmerman (08-09) has co-authored The Doula Guide to Birth with senior- level doula Ananda Lowe. Doulas, or professional labor assistants, have led thousands of expectant women through the birthing process in a way that’s safe and meaningful, and that creates the birth and postbirth experience all mothers long for. This comprehensive book draws on the wisdom of these skilled experts, whose experience with doctors, midwives, nurses, and hospitals makes them invaluable advocates before, during, and after birth.