In a Q&A with the Knight Science Journalism Program, Valeria Román speaks about the experience of doing journalism in a new medium, the challenges of getting a national radio show off the ground, and her approach to finding fresh story angles on a crowded Covid-19 beat.
Social Science in the Age of Coronavirus: An Interview With Sujata Gupta
In the effort to contain COVID-19, science journalists around the world are stepping up to do their part. As some journalists grapple with the science behind virology and epidemiology studies, […]
The Chirp Heard ‘Round the World: LIGO’s Lisa Barsotti Reflects on a Landmark Discovery
The observation of gravitational waves earned the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics, and it marked a triumph for scientists at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, or LIGO. Among them was Lisa Barsotti, a physicist who has dedicated her career to the search for and study of gravitational waves.
Meet This Year’s Fellows: Andrada Fiscutean
Fiscutean, a science and technology writer, is drawn to stories about people “building things out of thin air.” The best stories, she says, are not about “a person that has everything and creates everything, but [about] a person who has nothing, and manages to do something.”